8 August Case Updates Scarcliffe v Brampton Valley Gp Ltd [2023] EWHC 1565 (KB) Care, Change of opinion, Orthopaedics, Team membership, Biopsychosocial model, 10. Report Writing, 13. Changing your opinion, 07. Working with Instructing Parties, 09. Records Assessments and Site Visits “When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir” (John Maynard Keynes)
21 July News The changing face of the Expert Witness 03. Marketing, 07. Working with Instructing Parties, 16. Maintaining your professional edge How can experts adapt and grow professionally in an ever-changing environment?
16 May Day in the life "Work within your expertise. Remember that you are independent – and don’t be bullied by solicitors!" 10. Report Writing, 06. Receiving Instructions, 07. Working with Instructing Parties, 14. Giving Oral Evidence Insights on being an Expert Witness from Dr Brian Franks, EWI fellow.
17 April News The importance of knowing, and complying with, the rules relating to the presentation of expert evidence Expert evidence, Compliance with court rules, Instruction from solicitor, Courtroom evidence, family court, 05. Rules and Regulations, 07. Working with Instructing Parties, 14. Giving Oral Evidence The judgement in a recent case highlights issues not only relating to the behaviour of an expert but also in regard to considerations the instructing parties must make, namely: to ensure that the expert is an appropriate expert, to instruct them properly and to ensure that the report answers the questions posed and is compliant with the rules and practice directions.
7 February Case Updates Snow v Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust [2023] EWHC 42 (KB) Independence, Urology, Colorectal surgery, 10. Report Writing, 07. Working with Instructing Parties “Who is responsible for providing the expert with copies of relevant medical and scientific publications?”
3 January Case Updates Re AB (Child Abuse: Expert Witnesses) [1994] EWHC Fam 5 Child abuse, Experts duty, Paediatrics, Brittle bone density, 05. Rules and Regulations, 10. Report Writing, 07. Working with Instructing Parties, 14. Giving Oral Evidence, 15. Criticism and Complaints “The hazards of flying a kite in court”
3 January News EWI now able to assist Experts with sponsorship for CJSM applications 06. Receiving Instructions, 07. Working with Instructing Parties Members can now use the EWI to assist in sponsorship if they need to be able to use a CJSM email account to be sent evidence.
13 December News The importance of independence: preserving the integrity of the Expert Witness discussion Experts duty, Independence, Duty of Expert, Expert's meeting, Expert's duty, Experts meeting, Duty to the court, Instruction from solicitor, 07. Working with Instructing Parties, 12. Experts Discussions and Joint Statements We take a look at how the distinction between being an independent Expert Witness is crucial in a court case.
13 November News Ensure your expert has the necessary expertise for the case 05. Rules and Regulations, 07. Working with Instructing Parties Recent judgment highlights the problem when you do not instruct an expert with sufficient expertise
25 October Case Updates R v Fitzsimmons v [2022] NICC 27 Bias, Voice attribution experts, Visual identification experts, Acoustic analysis, Auditory analysis, 06. Receiving Instructions, 07. Working with Instructing Parties, 09. Records Assessments and Site Visits “Can your paper trail be followed?”