Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Statement

Our mission is to support the proper administration of justice and the early resolution of disputes for everybody through high-quality expert evidence from specialists. That means having a diverse expert witness workforce that fully represents those involved in disputes. We believe that the justice system will be best served by using a diverse and inclusive pool of appropriately trained expert witnesses.

Our commitments:

Lead by example

  • We are committed to creating and developing a diverse and inclusive workforce and culture and will continue to review all policies and processes to maintain our status as an equal opportunities employer.

  • We will strive to make our Board and Committees become more inclusive.

  • Wherever possible, we will aim for a diverse set of speakers at our events.

  • We will continue to develop our training and events programme to be accessible to all.

Understand the workforce

  • We will establish our current (and where possible historical) baseline member statistics for gender identity, ethnic origin, and disability and measure these.

Promote diversity in the workforce

  • We will encourage those who employ or contract expert witnesses to be more inclusive.
  • We will encourage people from diverse backgrounds to become Expert Witnesses.

Work with partners

  • We will work with partners such as Equal Representation for Expert witnesses to encourage diversification of the workforce


Date: September 2022