1 March Case Updates Leafrealm Land Limited v The City of Edinburgh Council [2020] CSOH 34, 2020 WL 01290090 Oral testimoney, Report drafting, Surveying, Methodology, 10. Report Writing, 14. Giving Oral Evidence Relevance: General Surveying Topic: Methodology Report drafting Independence Oral testimony
1 March Case Updates A Clinical Commissioning Group v AF [2020] EWCOP 16, 2020 WL 01494079 Capacity cases, Best interest, 10. Report Writing, 09. Records Assessments and Site Visits “Avoiding a macabre experiment” Relevance: Capacity cases Topics: Best interests
1 March Case Updates FXF v Ampleforth Abbey Trustees [2020] EWHC 791 (QB), 2020 WL 01663316 Historic, Child abuse, Limitation, Causation, 05. Rules and Regulations, 10. Report Writing “The Savile effect” Relevance: Historic child abuse Topics: Limitation Causation
1 March Case Updates Walaszczyk v Regional Court of Law in Czestochowa, Poland [2020] EWHC 849 (Admin), 2020 WL 01695206 Extradition case, Mental disorder, Threshold level, 05. Rules and Regulations, 10. Report Writing, 09. Records Assessments and Site Visits Relevance: Extradition cases Topic: Threshold level of mental disorder necessary to prevent extradition
1 March Case Updates General Medical Council v Zafar [2020] EWHC 846 (Admin), [2020] 4 WLUK 134 Impartiality, Dishonesty, 05. Rules and Regulations, 10. Report Writing, 07. Working with Instructing Parties, 14. Giving Oral Evidence, 15. Criticism and Complaints “Factory work” Relevance: General Topic: Impartiality Dishonesty
1 March Case Updates University College London Hospitals Foundation Trust v MB [2020] EWHC 882 (QB), [2020] 4 WLUK 117 Admissibility, Expert evidence, Inpatient Care, 05. Rules and Regulations Relevance: Bed management cases Topic: Discharge of inpatient no longer in need of inpatient care Admissibility of expert evidence Nature of case: An NHS trust brought a claim for possession and applied for an interim injunction against a patient.
1 March Case Updates McLennan v General Medical Council [2020] CSIH 12 [2020] 4 WLUK 119 Covert recording, Report drafting, Consultation, Doctor, 10. Report Writing, 09. Records Assessments and Site Visits “Trust me, I’m a doctor” Relevance: General. Topic: Report drafting (accuracy). Covert audio recording of consultation
1 March Case Updates Mitrasinovic v Stroud [2020] EWHC 914 (QB), 2020 WL 01894725 10. Report Writing, 14. Giving Oral Evidence “What is the capital of France?” Relevance: General Topic: Report writing Oral testimony
1 March Case Updates R v Thomas (Dean) [2020] EWCA Crim 117, [2020] 1 WLUK 421 Criminal, Fitness to plead, Fitness to stand trial, 09. Records Assessments and Site Visits “One size does not fit all” Relevance: Criminal jurisdiction Topic: Fitness to plead and stand trial (FTP) Appointment of intermediary
1 March Case Updates Thimmaya v Lancashire NHS Foundation Trust [2020] 1 WLUK 437 Personal injury, Legal test, Wasted cost order, Negligence, 05. Rules and Regulations, 10. Report Writing ‘The cost of Iicompetence’ Relevance: General; Personal injury (negligence) Topic: Legal tests for negligence Wasted costs order against expert witness