1 March Case Updates A Clinical Commissioning Group v AF [2020] EWCOP 16, 2020 WL 01494079 Capacity cases, Best interest, 10. Report Writing, 09. Records Assessments and Site Visits “Avoiding a macabre experiment” Relevance: Capacity cases Topics: Best interests
1 March Case Updates FXF v Ampleforth Abbey Trustees [2020] EWHC 791 (QB), 2020 WL 01663316 Historic, Child abuse, Limitation, Causation, 05. Rules and Regulations, 10. Report Writing “The Savile effect” Relevance: Historic child abuse Topics: Limitation Causation
1 March Case Updates Walaszczyk v Regional Court of Law in Czestochowa, Poland [2020] EWHC 849 (Admin), 2020 WL 01695206 Extradition case, Mental disorder, Threshold level, 05. Rules and Regulations, 10. Report Writing, 09. Records Assessments and Site Visits Relevance: Extradition cases Topic: Threshold level of mental disorder necessary to prevent extradition
1 March Case Updates General Medical Council v Zafar [2020] EWHC 846 (Admin), [2020] 4 WLUK 134 Impartiality, Dishonesty, 05. Rules and Regulations, 10. Report Writing, 07. Working with Instructing Parties, 14. Giving Oral Evidence, 15. Criticism and Complaints “Factory work” Relevance: General Topic: Impartiality Dishonesty
1 March Case Updates University College London Hospitals Foundation Trust v MB [2020] EWHC 882 (QB), [2020] 4 WLUK 117 Admissibility, Expert evidence, Inpatient Care, 05. Rules and Regulations Relevance: Bed management cases Topic: Discharge of inpatient no longer in need of inpatient care Admissibility of expert evidence Nature of case: An NHS trust brought a claim for possession and applied for an interim injunction against a patient.
1 March Case Updates McLennan v General Medical Council [2020] CSIH 12 [2020] 4 WLUK 119 Covert recording, Report drafting, Consultation, Doctor, 10. Report Writing, 09. Records Assessments and Site Visits “Trust me, I’m a doctor” Relevance: General. Topic: Report drafting (accuracy). Covert audio recording of consultation
1 March Case Updates Mitrasinovic v Stroud [2020] EWHC 914 (QB), 2020 WL 01894725 10. Report Writing, 14. Giving Oral Evidence “What is the capital of France?” Relevance: General Topic: Report writing Oral testimony
1 March Case Updates R v Thomas (Dean) [2020] EWCA Crim 117, [2020] 1 WLUK 421 Criminal, Fitness to plead, Fitness to stand trial, 09. Records Assessments and Site Visits “One size does not fit all” Relevance: Criminal jurisdiction Topic: Fitness to plead and stand trial (FTP) Appointment of intermediary
1 March Case Updates Thimmaya v Lancashire NHS Foundation Trust [2020] 1 WLUK 437 Personal injury, Legal test, Wasted cost order, Negligence, 05. Rules and Regulations, 10. Report Writing ‘The cost of Iicompetence’ Relevance: General; Personal injury (negligence) Topic: Legal tests for negligence Wasted costs order against expert witness
1 March Case Updates R v Foy [2020] EWCA Crim 270, 2020 WL 00927442 Admissibility, Behaviour of expert, Psychiatric evidence, Ultimate issue, Criminal, 05. Rules and Regulations, 10. Report Writing, 14. Giving Oral Evidence, 15. Criticism and Complaints “Expert shopping” Relevance: General; criminal Topics: Admissibility of fresh psychiatric evidence; ultimate issue; behaviour of expert