Podcast Episode 9: Becoming an Expert Witness Podcast Episode 9: Becoming an Expert Witness

Podcast Episode 9: Becoming an Expert Witness

In the 9th episode of the Expert Matters Podcast, we look at how to become an Expert Witnesss. If you think expert witness work might be for you,...
Mantir Singh Sahota v Albinder Singh Sahota & Ors [2024] EWHC 2165 (Ch) Mantir Singh Sahota v Albinder Singh Sahota & Ors [2024] EWHC 2165 (Ch)

Mantir Singh Sahota v Albinder Singh Sahota & Ors [2024] EWHC 2165 (Ch)

The judge found that the forensic accounting expert’s approach of forming an opinion as to the value of the Company, then carrying out a...
A mother's malign influence on her children A mother's malign influence on her children

A mother's malign influence on her children

This is a case which will assume much greater importance for the 15 points of practice and practical steps that the judge decided can help reduce the...
Working on a ‘no win – no fee’ basis Working on a ‘no win – no fee’ basis

Working on a ‘no win – no fee’ basis

Professor Keith Rix discusses whether experts can accept instructions on the basis of mirroring the solicitors’ ‘no win – no...
Can capacity be assessed on papers without a consultation? Can capacity be assessed on papers without a consultation?

Can capacity be assessed on papers without a consultation?

Any uncertainty as to whether a psychiatrist can provide an expert report as a paper-based assessment is answered by this case. In this case the...
Call for evidence: Use of evidence generated by software in criminal proceedings Call for evidence: Use of evidence generated by software in criminal proceedings

Call for evidence: Use of evidence generated by software in criminal proceedings

The Ministry of Justice has published a call for evidence on the use of evidence generated by software in criminal proceedings. The call for...
A Day in the Life of an Emergency Medicine Expert Witness A Day in the Life of an Emergency Medicine Expert Witness

A Day in the Life of an Emergency Medicine Expert Witness

Colin Holburn is an EWI fellow, governor and founding member. A consultant in accident and emergency medicine, he has been practising as an Expert...
Government Response on Revisions to the Medical  Reporting Process for Road  Traffic... Government Response on Revisions to the Medical Reporting Process for Road Traffic...

Government Response on Revisions to the Medical Reporting Process for Road Traffic...

The Government has published its response to the consultation it ran from 18 July to 10 October 2023 on 'Revisions to the Medical Reporting...
Podcast Episode 8: Re-evaluating your opinion Podcast Episode 8: Re-evaluating your opinion

Podcast Episode 8: Re-evaluating your opinion

In the 8th episode of the Expert Matters Podcast, we discuss re-evaluating your opinion. We look at possible reasons why you might wish to re-evaluate...
Podcast Episode 7: Review of 2024 Podcast Episode 7: Review of 2024

Podcast Episode 7: Review of 2024

In the last podcast for 2024, we look back at the ten key issues for expert witnesses that we've seen over the course of 2024, and highlight the...
Day in the Life of a Financial Expert Day in the Life of a Financial Expert

Day in the Life of a Financial Expert

Uwe Wystup is a practitioner in the field of foreign exchange options, as well as a senior academic, trainer, and judge. He is the founder of...
A Day in the Life of a Medicolegal Expert Witness A Day in the Life of a Medicolegal Expert Witness

A Day in the Life of a Medicolegal Expert Witness

Sue Lightman is a Professor of Ophthalmology and Consultant Ophthalmologist who has been undertaking medicolegal Expert Witness work for over 20...

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Podcast Episode 9: Becoming an Expert Witness

Podcast Episode 9: Becoming an Expert Witness

In the 9th episode of the Expert Matters Podcast, we look at how to become an Expert Witnesss. If you think expert witness work might be for you, don't miss the great advice in this month's episode where we talk to the wider EWI team on expert witness training, how to become an EWI member, and the key next steps to get your practice up and running, from setting up your business, terms and conditions, and insurance to sorting out your CV, marketing strategy and web presence.

Mantir Singh Sahota v Albinder Singh Sahota & Ors [2024] EWHC 2165 (Ch)
Case Updates

Mantir Singh Sahota v Albinder Singh Sahota & Ors [2024] EWHC 2165 (Ch)

The judge found that the forensic accounting expert’s approach of forming an opinion as to the value of the Company, then carrying out a detailed calculation and only if it matches his initial opinion accepting it, undermined the credibility and reliability of his opinion as to the value of the Company.

A mother's malign influence on her children
Case Updates

A mother's malign influence on her children

This is a case which will assume much greater importance for the 15 points of practice and practical steps that the judge decided can help reduce the risk of well-meaning professionals falling into pitfalls that hinder the identification of safeguarding issues at an early stage than as a case with learning points for experts.

For some of the experts in the fields from which jointly appointed experts were instructed, it illustrates how their evidence is tested and applied in a case of suspected fabricated or induced illness (FII).

Re N (Children: Fact Finding - Perplexing Presentation/Fabricated or Induced Illness) [2024] EWFC 326

Working on a ‘no win – no fee’ basis

Working on a ‘no win – no fee’ basis

Professor Keith Rix discusses whether experts can accept instructions on the basis of mirroring the solicitors’ ‘no win – no fee’ agreement in personal injury compensation claims. This item appeared in the February edition of Expert Healthcare Witness Matters, a monthly email newsletter written by Professor Rix.

Can capacity be assessed on papers without a consultation?
Case Updates

Can capacity be assessed on papers without a consultation?

Any uncertainty as to whether a psychiatrist can provide an expert report as a paper-based assessment is answered by this case.

In this case the paper-based assessment was sufficient for the court to conclude that, having regard to the Mental Capacity Act 2005, s 48, there were "reasons to believe that the Appellant lacks capacity". However, the fact that the court did not make a finding of a lack of capacity and transferred the case to a Tier 3 (High Court) Judge of the Court of Protection in order to determine the matter of capacity indicates how the court recognises how much more difficult it is to make a finding when the report relies on a paper-based assessment compared to a consultation with the subject of the report.   

MacPherson v Sunderland City Council (Rev1) [2024] EWCA Civ 1579 

JXX v Scott Archibald [2025] EWHC 69 (SCCO)
Case Updates

JXX v Scott Archibald [2025] EWHC 69 (SCCO)

In considering whether the claimant should be required to provide a breakdown of expert and medical agency fees, the judge decided to offer the claimant the option of either providing the breakdown of expert and medical reporting organisation fees, to enable an assessment of work of both the expert and the MRO, or not providing that information and having the expert fees assessed on the hypothetical basis that there was no medical reporting organisation involved.

Call for evidence: Use of evidence generated by software in criminal proceedings

Call for evidence: Use of evidence generated by software in criminal proceedings

The Ministry of Justice has published a call for evidence on the use of evidence generated by software in criminal proceedings.

The call for evidence is to help the Ministry better understand how the current presumption concerning the admissibility of computer evidence is working in practice, and whether it is fit for purpose in the modern world. 

Consent – post-Montgomery
Case Updates

Consent – post-Montgomery

Although this is a dental/maxillofacial negligence case, it is of importance for all healthcare experts instructed in cases where consent may be an issue. It highlights points about which experts should enquire when there may be an issue as to consent to a surgical or other procedure. In this case it was found that the consent process was deficient in a number of respects. It is also a case which illustrates how expert evidence can separately assist the court on the issues of breach of duty, causation, condition and prognosis.

Winterbotham v Shahrak (Rev1) [2024] EWHC 2633 (KB) 
