06 October 2020 Priya Vaidya 983 Case Updates GSTT, SLAM v R [2020] EWCOP 4, 2020 WL 00476197 byPriya Vaidya Relevance: Capacity assessments Obstetrics Topic: Fluctuating capacity Anticipatory declaration The case: concerned the obstetric treatment of R who, on 30th August 2019, was 39 weeks and six days in to her pregnancy. R has a diagnosis of bipolar affective disorder which is characterised by psychotic episodes. All the treating clinicians agreed: R had capacity to make decisions as to her ante-natal and obstetric care; there was a substantial risk of a deterioration in R's mental health, such that she would likely lose capacity during labour; there was a risk to her physical health, in that she could require an urgent Caesarean section ('C-section') for the safe delivery of her baby but might resist. To continue reading you must be an EWI member, become a member and access exclusive content. Already a member? Login Share Print Tags Capacity casesObstetrics09. Records Assessments and Site Visits Switch article Reactec Limited v Curotec Team Limited [2020] CSOH 77, 2020 WL 04369591 Previous Article GFH Capital Ltd v Haigh [2020] 7 WLUK 405 Next Article Comments are only visible to subscribers.